The Friends of the Malibu Library is an independent, all volunteer community group formed in 1978 to support the local public library. It is a 501 (C3) tax exempt, non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors. 


Due to generous estate donations, we now have a SPECIAL COLLECTION including first editions, signed books, and other beautiful volumes priced lower than other internet sites.

Collectors, book lovers and book sellers are invited to email FOML for an appointment. Please provide your name, telephone number, area of interest and a volunteer will contact you.

What we do ...

Children and Teen Programs

Provided throughout the year,  highlighted by the Summer Reading Program

Adult Program Sponsorship

Poet Laureate events, music recitals, cooking, technology, gardening and craft classes.

Library Books and Supplies 

Funding for books, DVD's and program supplies.  
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